I am feeling a little, no... a lot better today.
It's a good thing too.
In the mean time of being sick, I have been waging war with the piss ants in my house. I have been on the case day and night and still can't solve the mystery. If even one tiny crumb (we're talking one tiny) is left out, they magically appear. I've vacuumed twice already today. I haven't been letting Anika roam around with snacks, and she is pretty ticked off about that one. It's "highchair only" until this ant season blows out. They come from the strangest places and... I think I'm a pretty smart girl... but, I'm simply stumped. I swear they are materializing from another dimension.
Don't worry. This has happened before. -Emmet
Friday, August 29, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Don't tell the other orchids on the block, but typically when the blooms die I just throw it away. How sad is that? I'm seeing shades of horses who get a bullet in the head for a broken leg, but it's just too painful to wait for it to bloom again, all the while looking at nothing but sticks in a pot. I am determined this time to prune it and keep it around until next blooming season. It's so worth it when they bloom... fresh flowers for months and months! So... I guess I'll let her live and nurse her through her hibernation. I deserve to go to heaven for this.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I woke this morning with some excitement in my thoughts that today was the day. Emmet has preschool today! What will I do with my three hours? Sleep, shop, find a job? After missing last week due to a cold sore, I couldn't wait to get him there again this week. But, wait, was that a sniffle I just heard from my cozy bed? A sneeze, a sound of stuffiness? Oh no, not again! Yes, it was. Allergies or a cold not sure. But he is home once again. So, with a week filled of cold sores, sprained arms and colds. I am wondering what the rest of the day will bring. You just never know.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Change of Plans
i've decided to fly round trip and ship my things. however, i'm going to be in california from september 9 thru september 20. if you guys are up to it, i'd love to see everyone. i can visit the weekend of september 13.
Back to Sunny California
after some research and cost analysis, i have decided to drive back to lake arrowhead and get a u-haul tralier to pack the rest of my belongings into and then drive back to chicago. everyone thinks i'm nuts, but i like the drive. as a result, i will be making the first pass thru st. george around sept 6 and 7 and then i will be in st. george around sept 18 and 19 on the return.
can i hit anyone up for a place to stay?
can i hit anyone up for a place to stay?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
self reliance
Bemy extorted me into making a (first) blog post, and alana gave me the inspiration as for the content, so here goes.
Let me set the scene for you. Friday, August 15th. 1:30 PM. A young man hastily fills up his gas tank just before driving to work for the afternoon. He is right on schedule, as always. Tired, as usual, but hey, gas is back to $4.05/gal, so it really isn't all that bad. Right?
Locked in his car, he quickly realizes, are his car keys.
Anyways, I'm feeling a little bit of an exhaustion fever coming on, so i'll keep the subsequent events brief. In a controlled fury, I stormed over to my neighborhood ACE hardware demanding crowbars and wood wedges with the kind of vigor the worst kind of postal worker might exhibit. With 10 minutes, a crowbar, 3 wood wedges, a wire hanger, and a very (very!) short fuse, I managed to fish my keys out of the passenger seat, which were lounging comfortably, completely oblivious to the whirlwind of stress and construction hardware that it took to get them out.
And, in the end, I got to work with 1 minute to spare.

The crowbar is awaiting return to ACE.
Pine Valley
Friday, August 15, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Okay, when did my days suddenly become consumed with the world of transformers. Most of my day revolved around trying to get the correct transformer. Only to end with Emmet in the back seat in hysterics because his new transformer tank was missing a piece and he couldn't possibly transform it. After turning the car around to go all the way back to Target. We get to the customer service desk attempting to return the toy. I tell the costumer service nazi it's missing a part and Emmet insists on telling her "no mommy broke it and lost the piece!" Which was not the case. She replies " Oh kids are so honest." HA ha YA right. Now I look like the big story teller! I return to the car only to find the piece sitting in his car seat! We then go to KB to get a constructicon. It was well worth it in the end. It kept him busy all day! Yes, mission accomplished. I am still trying to figure boy world out. Maybe someday I will. Although grown men can be just as confusing to me. I guess I always thought he would be playing with cute color coordinated wood blocks, educational toys, and nothing too noisy. I guess I was wrong. The cute wooden blocks have been replaced with an army of transformers. Just another day in the life of being a mom.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Men's Relay
I love it... even the Pres. was there to see it. Check it out if you haven't already! You have to sit through a quick commercial first.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Optimus Emmet, Redux
This time Bumble Bee rolled through the Country Lane casa.
We're gettin' darn crafty during this recession.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
My New Fave Video Game
Check out THIS pillow tool from Pottery Barn. I want them all, and one of these bright duvets for my psycho-blue bedroom....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Pioneer Trek 2008

Here's some pictures from the pioneer trek. We spent 4 days in Holcomb valley (big bear) pushing a handcart loaded with all of our gear. In total we hiked 18 miles so it wasn't too difficult for me. And besides, it was a four day camping trip with a bunch of my friends, what more could I have asked for?
How dang cute are these?
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
This Sucks
Sorry I had to say sucks Mom, but we are all in a slump. I haven't even seen anyone forever, except Cara, and that was strictly for a counseling session. Why is everyone sick and struggling? I haven't even called Andrea, or Jake is probably already back at school. And I can't even muster the strength to hardly pick up the phone. I feel like I need to just pause time and spend a week at a spa and take care of my physical and spiritual health. It's hot outside and I think we all just feel icky and helpless. Hopefully everyone will get well, we will reconnect after quarantine, and we can start thriving! I want us all to be thriving, not struggling. Anyway, just wanted to say hi to everyone and keep up the good work of livin'. My goal is to get myself, and all of us feeling good again. Let's do it! I feel like crap diddly and me no likey. I love you guys, don't worry, we'll all bounce back and live happily ever after.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Our camping trip!
We had tons of fun and want to take you guys back in a few weeks. Anyone up for it? Her new favorite word is "hiking". She also said "Hailey", "Jack" (the dog), and of course "happy day"!
Anika thinks everything is a "seat" and was sitting on Brandon's tub of night crawlers.

Filthy little orphan! She got so dirty and was LOVING every minute of it.

She loves Emmet's chair... thanks Janna!

Weird Things
on thursday night after the bar exam, i was at kellie's house and we we're watching the movie "over her dead body." cute romantic comedy with eva longoria where she passes away on her wedding day (not funny, but the movie made it lighthearted.) the core of the plot line is that she came back and "haunted" the next girl her finace was dating. at various points during the film, the finacee's ghost was right next to either her finace or the new girlfriend. anyway, while i was driving home from kellie's house to her parents house (which is only 3 miles away), i was talking to alex. i asked him if it was really like it was in that movie. in other words, when people pass away, can they really come back and be that close to those still on this earthly plane? then, my cell phone started vibrating. but the weird thing is that no one was calling me, no one left a message, there was no missed call, and no one was sending me a text message. hmmm????
as you all know, i am living with kellie's parents in an "apartment" in their home. when kellie's parents built this house, they designed it so that they would have a "mother-in-law" apartment. kellie's "nanny" (her grandma) lived in this apartment until about 2003. and she passed away in this room. after she passed, the "apartment" has been vacant until i moved in. anyway, while nanny lived in this room, she always used vaseline for different various things. i've never used vaseline for anything. however, one day i came back to my room and there was a jar of vaseline on my nightstand. i asked carole, kellie's mom, if she had left it there and she had not. i asked my roommate patty if she had and she had not. there is no explanation of how the vaseline got to my night stand other than... hmmm???
as you all know, i am living with kellie's parents in an "apartment" in their home. when kellie's parents built this house, they designed it so that they would have a "mother-in-law" apartment. kellie's "nanny" (her grandma) lived in this apartment until about 2003. and she passed away in this room. after she passed, the "apartment" has been vacant until i moved in. anyway, while nanny lived in this room, she always used vaseline for different various things. i've never used vaseline for anything. however, one day i came back to my room and there was a jar of vaseline on my nightstand. i asked carole, kellie's mom, if she had left it there and she had not. i asked my roommate patty if she had and she had not. there is no explanation of how the vaseline got to my night stand other than... hmmm???
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