Don't worry. This has happened before. -Emmet

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Birthday in Zion/Heaven

Amazing, the air felt incredible
I think Emmet is actually meditating right here
Thank goodness for the friendly Asian tourist who offered to take our picture!
What a view

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Bemy was on babysitting duty. They were watching Miss America and neither were supporters of the girl who said kids should play less video games.

I made Janna and Mike let me take their photo tonight before they went out for Birthday Eve.
What a hot couple!

The Darndest Thing

Last summer and fall, I was reading a blog that gave prompts for writing. I wrote a bunch of stuff and never posted it. I don't remember exactly what the prompt for each assignment was but here is one of the finished products. I will keep posting them.


I spent a week this summer with my family on our favorite plot of sand. I've been basking in the sand there since, well, the womb. But this time was different. I felt beautiful. In a swim suit. It was the darndest thing.

It really shouldn't make sense. It's just not logical. I didn't feel this great thirty pounds ago. Or ten years ago. Not even when my rock hard body was rehearsing Pas de Dix eight hours a day. I am (or was at least!) a ballet dancer. I couldn't help but stare in the mirror and compare myself to Kenna. She was perfect. One thing I've always liked is my height. But Kenna had it too. She also did her hair in this amazing french roll for class. I envied the way she wore her dainty little earrings atop her long neck. And she was nice, too. How dare she!

But here I was... basking, frolicking, jumping in the waves and bouncing from sea to shining sea. I don't know what it was that finally clicked inside my head. I think ultimately, it was a choice. I decided I would choose to feel free and beautiful. I decided I would let it all fly. I decided tomorrow may never come. I also realized that nobody cares. Nobody cares! Nobody cares about my muffin top, real or imaginary. They just want to enjoy my company, laugh with me, bask in the sun.

Let me tell you: it was wonderful. I wasted not one minute of the beautiful week tucking and pulling or covering up. Instead, I laid back in the sand. I never combed my salty hair. I got goosebumps drying in the sun. I got goosebumps because I felt like a goddess.

Surely, the process isn't complete. I am still trying to reconcile the photos from the trip. Wait! (I WAS SHOCKED!) That's not what I looked like that week! I was goddess of wind, sand, sea and salt... and that... well that, I'm afraid, is a sea hag.

Oh well, onward and upward. All in it's own time. If this is what aging is: to feel more comfortable and more confident by the day, then I can't wait. It feels really, really good. I like me. I think I'm beautiful.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Funniest Moment Award

Setting the scene:

Cara, me, Janna, Mom and Cara's roommate, Heather. We were all in the same car and driving somewhere in Newport. We saw one of these on the road and Mom said, very matter-of-factly,

"Did you know your Father had a Woody when I met him?"

The side-splitting laughter was instant. The tears started rolling.
Mom didn't get what was so funny and kept saying, "What? He did! I swear it!"

Still, we couldn't get it together. It was too hilarious to hear her repeating herself:

"What? What's so funny? He did! He named it El Raton! It means The Rat!"

That might have been the single funniest moment of my life.
When we told her that
Woody nowadays does not mean a car,
she was the one laughing until she cried.

Satan Claus

Long ago, Alex had a girlfriend who was from Paraguay. (Delcy!) Her English was not perfect, nor her written English. We spent Christmas 2003 at their house. It was there we spied, underneath the tree, a small package wrapped sloppily in colorful paper and tied with a gift tag that read:

To: Alex

From: Satan

This little memory is my go-to for a quick belly laugh. Never fails. Am smiling as we speak.

Do you guys have anything that you remember when you need to illicit a laugh from yourself?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010

winter lunch

more pictures

the tops of these trees are touching the ground...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

snow days

if anyone gets the urge to get officially snowed in (power out, cozy fires, skiing, shoveling... remember the drill?) this might be THE week to do it! :)
just a thought........

i love you all!