^Look! I grew my own sprouts! I did it in a sprouting jar and they are crisp and delicious. We had them on our salad tonight

^Every night, I swaddle Ben in this same crack of the couch. The very second I do, he smiles and talks to me. He seems so happy because he knows it is time for bed. :)

^Cara! Check out the cute outfit you sent. It made it right into my box today. Anika saw her name was on the package and could hardly make it in the door quick enough to tear it open. The whole outfit is adorable. Mom says it's her absolute favorite and you know Mom doesn't throw compliments around lightly. Thanks so much. The thrill of clothes is not lost on Anika... she was excited!

^Aaaand, apparently Anika can write. Don't know when/how this happened. I knew she could write her name but today she was all interested in my Target list. She asked what else we needed and I told her a toy for Ben. She said, "How do you write 'toy' Mom?" I told her T-O-Y and by the time I walked across the room to see her do it, she had already written TOY. What the??? Then I told her the letters in diapers and she wrote that too. I'm in total shock. Aside from her name, I had no clue she could write.
That's all for tonight, folks. I love you all so much!!!!