Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
A Sweaty Mess
I've been meaning to enter an essay in this contest. I just realized today was the last day to enter and whipped this up. I'm physically incapable of doing anything unless it's during the last minute. Enjoy.
I knew a guy once whose family really got into it at Sea World. He punched his Dad's lights out right there in the parking lot. Isn't that awesome? I thought it was awesome. Because I'd just been to Sea World with my family and knew the scenario was altogether possible.
I took my kid. My sister had her kid. My other sister had her adult kids. Single sister without kids brewed oldest sister a cup of Smooth Move Tea the night before. My Mom's legs were swelling up like water balloons because of the constant standing and heat. She'd rather be caught dead than without her support hose and yet there she was, bare-legged.
The air wasn't moving. What of the supposed ocean out there? I thought. When will a cool coastal breeze blow through this joint and stir the tanks? Our foreheads were glistening, Smooth Move Sister's especially so. Which reminds me...
Someone at all times had to find a bathroom. A Mom. A kid. A toddler in need of a diaper change. If it wasn't someone, it was someone else.
Likewise, someone at all times had to find something to eat. And when someone in my family has to eat, they have to eat. Like, now! It sounded very frightening, I'm sure, as someone dramatically exclaimed, “My blood sugar is low! I need a churro! I seriously feel faint!” and my Mom worriedly shouting back, “Sit down and put your head between your knees!”
Anyway, that was the day I learned: It's hard to please a crowd. And meet everyone's basic needs. Forget about even getting to the Shamu show. For one thing, it will take expert coordination to get everyone there. Also, the second that whale pops out of the water, your kid will scream like it just saw a shark bloody a litter of kitties. Also, someone will have to use the bathroom.
I've added a kid to my life since that fabulous day. I now have two and have discovered motherhood to be a sweaty mess. It's hard to please a crowd. And meet everyone's basic needs. I do a lot of feeding, changing, bathing, clipping, dressing. I feel like we never quite make it to the show. Or the park, grandma's house, campout, road trip.
My family is epic as Sea World. We laugh about that day now. Hard. Somehow, (and I don't know how) it's just ultra-fabulous to be with the ones I love. No matter what! From the misery of sweaty underwear riding up to the superb grief of losing an actual one or two of our own, each moment is somehow (and I don't know how) cradled in love and humor and joy.
Joy is in being. Family is in being. Motherhood is in being. If you're at Sea World with expectations of actually seeing the show, someone is going to eat a knuckle sandwich in the parking lot.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
We DO Love You
How sad! I just scrolled down, noting you post something for everyone's birthday and we didn't post anything for your birthday. Bummer. Haha, sorry! Happy late birthday Bemy. You know, we DO love you, even if we didn't blog on your bday. Make it up to you next year?
Really, though, you have been one busy woman taking care of all of us and we all appreciate it VERY MUCH.