Don't worry. This has happened before. -Emmet

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Somebody stop me. I can't quit the cherries. I ate a tub full in 2 days and went all the way to Costco today for more. They didn't have any! Help! I will try again Monday but until then its no cherries for me. Does anyone know when cherry season begins or ends?


Mike said...

Did you take that picture?

Alana said...

NO, I wish.

lu said...

i'm pretty sure cherries are non-habit forming for the reasonable person. but if that is your addiction, then go with it! i do suggest thinking twice before trying to snort them.

Alana said...

I hadn't thought about snorting.... hmmmmm??? :) Hey everyone, I just read cherries have melatonin and help you sleep! Who knew? Maybe I am addicted.

ian said...

I started CRAVING cherries sometime last week and when I saw some at Alby's a couple of days ago I actually paid $8 dollars for a bag.....
I almost made a special trip to Costco just to see if they had any.....
I believe that we are smack-dab in the middle of the season as the trees around here have been dropping them.
They are the best candy ever invented :)

Alana said...

Costco had them today and I bout two giant tubs full. yummie.

Cara said...

Tried a few at Bemy's today -- Yum!