Don't worry. This has happened before. -Emmet

Sunday, June 8, 2008


today, i discovered that there is a T.J. MAXX about 3 miles from my new home! i did stop in, i didn't find much, but i wasn't really in a shopping mood. i just wanted to get out and walk around a little and check stuff out. additionally, it has all the home stuff, too. i don't think that it's as good as the one in san jorge, but it's good enough.


Cara said...

Lu, I can't believe you have a TJ's and Jimmy Johns, what more does one need?

Alana said...

Yay, any TJ Maxx is better than none. It sounds like you moved to St. George, with the Maxx and Jimmy John's. That is crazy. Are you starting to feel settled in yet, and at home? I hope the weird unsettled phase is passing. How's the studying these days?

ian said...

Hi Lu :)

I love seeing your posts - I can't believe you're out there - I'm so proud of you!
