Don't worry. This has happened before. -Emmet

Friday, June 6, 2008


What a bust. The one day I had something fun to do Anika got sick. Poor thing. She has a fever and is very irritable. She did a little better today after some Tylenol and just went down for nap... thank goodness. Bemy, Janna, and Emmet went to Zion and I was to accompany them. Instead I had to stay here in my utter isolation. We did make it to the P.O. and the shop and then Anika had a long, warm bath. That's what happens with kids when you make plans. Better luck next time.


Cara said...

That sucks!!!!! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Oh by the way, the only guy I dated that makes me want to vomit called, funny huh!

ian said...

hope she gets better soon

Mike said...

I'm sorry Alana. We missed you! I hope she's feeling better. Rain check. K .Love U