Don't worry. This has happened before. -Emmet

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Good Times

My Daddy has paid the rent
and the insurance man is gone
and the lights is back on
and my uncle Brud has hit
for one dollar straight
and they is good times
good times
good times

My Mama has made bread
and Grampaw has come
and everybody is drunk
and dancing in the kitchen
and singing in the kitchen
oh these is good times
good times
good times

oh children think about the
good times

-Lucille Clifton

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

... woke up the other morning to discover that the stress of the last few years might be starting to catch up with me... no longer "Andrea Boleyn, Future Queen of England" but more like Luanne the Lunch Lady, recently unemployed, and totally desperate for any kind of social life, decent or otherwise.... hoagies & grinders, hoagies & grinders, navy beans, navy beans, navy beans, MEATLOAF SANDWHICH

Happy Hands Club

My head feels hot

Pedro and Napoleon

a hug

The Saviour knows that in this life we will have much
sorrow and heartache, much adversity and affliction.
But we can find comfort, we can find peace and joy, in
the Lord.  If we learn to let go of the world and really
let Christ into our lives, we can find "the peace of 
God, which passeth all understanding" 
(Philippians 4:7)

Elder Holland said,  "Some blessings come soon, some
come late, and some don't come until heaven;  but for 
those who embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ, they

Mom says "I love you"

Bemy too!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Sunday Everyone

We had a McDonald's picnic.

Well, as you know mom has moved into Cara's once again. During the process we put both of mom's storage units into one. It went really well.
As you could imagine emotions ran high. But, magically it went really fast and ended up being a lot of fun.

This is our "last of the conservatives" section. Here you will find G-U-N-'s, the American flag, ammo (located in cooler), hatchet , and ice axe.
P.S. This blog post will self-destruct in 10 seconds.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Peas in a Pod

Remember how we used to call Jake and Ian "Ren and Stimpy"?

Well... Emmet and Anika are TOTALLY "Charlie and Lola"!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Remember the dogblog? Go to it and click on "postcards I've made". This guy makes postcards out of random pictures and mails them off to friends. They are hilarious! Totally random humor and quite possibly comic genius. You can thank me later.


Our dearest Janna started her own design blog. Was she not born to do this? She is always one step ahead! I will put a link to the side. Her blog is called Wish so just click on it.


taking a quick break from cleaning out our found couch...

i've been going at it for 5 hours with a rug doctor. here are some highlights:

- 2 black widows, killed
- 1 black widow, escaped to patio
- 4 splinters
- 2 (full) bottles of spray bleach, used
- fair amount of mouse poo everywhere
- interesting garbage left from previous owner

after i get a staple gun and some canvas, to re-do some of the upholstery, it looks like it will turn out pretty well. but, this is a rough one-man job

(aside: my roommates found this couch. however, i'm breaking my back cleaning it. hopefully that makes a strong case for my keeping it once they move out)

It hurts.

Anika got up at 4:30 a.m. today.

"Ouch" (say like Dad when he burps).

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday Morning

Hey there. Just doing a little internet surfing while Anika watches cartoons. Actually, I just changed the channel to the today show in an effort to help me feel a little less of disconnect from the world out there. Check out this Dog Blog. It gave me a GREAT laugh today.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Mock Camping

We went up to Zion this afternoon. Anika was loving life and spent nearly the entire time throwing rocks into the river. Brandon had to keep re-stocking her pile because she would panic whenever she ran out of rocks. Then we went to the Pizza Noodle and it was so crazy crowded. I thought summer was over but the crowds have not gone home. The campgrounds were packed and the busses are still running. But it was PERFECT weather and I was regretting not camping all day, at least until I made it home to my nice hot shower and ice cream. It was a wise decision to stay home! I love my cozy warm bed. Brandon is going hunting all day tomorrow so anyone who would like to perform some compassionate service, please call me and hang out with me whether you want to or not. Just kidding! I'll probably just do the usual... errands and groceries, how exciting!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Coffee or Nap

When you hit that afternoon slump. Should you have a nap, or reach for that cup of Joe. I always have had troubles with this one. The Today Show experts recommend doing both. I found this quite surprising. She suggests to drink the cup of coffee. Then take a nap! The coffee takes about a half an hour to kick in. So by the time you wake up you are ready to go.

So mom you have been doing it the right way all along! Go figure.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Dr. Cara makes house calls. Thanks Cara, for doing what you could for my face!
With that headband and my hair pulled back I look like a transvestite getting ready for the show. I've done the make up and I'm just about to put my wig on.

I bought some clippies from a friend who makes them and now Anika wears bows and flowers in her hair every day! Awwww.
We went to see the ducks by our house this morning. She was in paradise. We fed them some bread.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Back to Lake Arrowhead

hi everyone. i have to go back to lake arrowhead, again, and ship the rest of my things because i'm going to stay in chicago. anyway, i no longer have andrea's phone number at jenn and andy's. so andrea, could you please call me or you can leave it in the comment section to this blog.

i'm leaving october 22 and returning november 5. i don't know what anybody's plans are, but should i plan a trip to st. george? luv you guys!!! lu.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Zion Camping

Click HERE for the 10 day forecast for Zion. It's looking like some cold nights. Mom, you have 6 days left to put some meat on those bones!!! Desert Pearl anyone? Just kidding! Nothing a little 0 degree down bag can't fix, right?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008



Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I am Le Sick...

this is cruddy, guys

new buddies: ibuprofen, airborne, and water

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Exam Results

unfortunately, bad news. it's not the end of the world. i can take it again in february. looking back on this past year, i still managed to graduate and at least prepare to sit for the bar. there really are worse things in life. it's only a test...