... woke up the other morning to discover that the stress of the last few years might be starting to catch up with me... no longer "Andrea Boleyn, Future Queen of England" but more like Luanne the Lunch Lady, recently unemployed, and totally desperate for any kind of social life, decent or otherwise.... hoagies & grinders, hoagies & grinders, navy beans, navy beans, navy beans, MEATLOAF SANDWHICH

OK, that was the most entertaining few minutes of my life. You guys are too funny and I think you have a lot of fun. This made my night. My head feels hot. Andrea... you look like Nonna in that wig! Creepy! I miss you guys!!!
I keep coming back for more. When I need a laugh, I come back for Pedro and "my head feels hot". Why is that so dang funny? help me! I want to be Pedro for my party tomorrow night. I think I'll go out shopping this morning.
Ian, the guitar song is funny too. A hot dog stand? I am cracking up.
What?!! Thank you so much for that post. YOU GUYS look so good!
Love ya
Andrea, you are too funny in this. And Ian you totally have the eye thing down.
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