Don't worry. This has happened before. -Emmet

Saturday, March 21, 2009

New Camera!

So, I went to best buy today to blow my gift card on a new digital camera.  I've never owned one before, so be prepared to be flooded with photos during the coming months.

Here are some samples from today's test shoot:

Also:  I figured I would use my time at the platform to make an official request for mailing addresses.  I'm pretty sure that mine are out of date.


ian said...

great photos jake! :)


Alana said...

I love your pictures. Cara said you were having buyers remorse? Don't! A camera is a necessity of life. I can't believe you didn't have one. So love it and enjoy it. I have one of the red plant pictures as my desktop. It's beautiful! Keep up the good work.
my mailing, guess it's bemy's too:
435 N. Stone Mountain Dr. #6
St. George, Utah 84770

Janna's is the same but with a #8. freaky, huh?

Alana said...

p.s. i am loving the one of the striped lamp. might be my fave because you can see cara's dc in the background.

Bemy said...

I see you have a knack for photography!
Happy vacation, send photos.
my mailing address is: P O Box 971 St George UT 84771