Don't worry. This has happened before. -Emmet

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

29 years ago


This is a repeat, but I can't help but recall the day of your birth.  Dad had gone to work for Big Ray, I called about 10A  and said it was time to go to the hospital.  We headed down the hill to Loma Linda.  I was a bit upset that Dad stopped at Bakers for a burrito.
It was very hot , and I was in active labor!  In retrospect, I can see it was the right thing to do;  afterall, he had been through this four times before, He knew the routine.  Labor takes a long time this would be his last chance to eat.  

At the hospital I saw Dr Riffell, and he went to teach a class.  I was so experienced  and practiced at labor that he thought  I had a long way to go, because I wasn't acting out.  Well, surprise;  told the nurse I had to push, Dr Herbert rushed me to the delivery room.  I'ts a girl!  After Janna, it was surprising to see a baby with dark hair and skin.  Dad called home from the recovery room, speaking to Alex, Alex said, "another girl!".  

Anyway, we were all thrilled to have our cute little Shmoo here.  We loved her from then till now and forever more.

Your MOM


ian said...

Happy birthday, dear sister!!!!
I love you so much and I hope that you've had a fabulous day! :)

Cara said...

Happy Birthday! Hope it was a good dose of EIL :) I love you!

Mike said...

Thank you for that mom! So much fun to go back like that! Especially with Dad and Alex in the story. Happy B-day Alana!

Alana said...

Thanks Mom, that was touching! Thanks everybody for a great birthday. I'm trying to remember back and I haven't had that much fun on my birthday in a long time. It was a party. Thanks for babysitting ALL DAY Mom! Love you guys.