Don't worry. This has happened before. -Emmet

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Where Am I?

Do I really need to say anything about this?

Really, California?

I was unaware there were children with jobs, driver's licenses and automobiles who could drive themselves to Micky D's and open up their Dora the Explorer wallets for a happy meal.

I was also unaware I lived in China. Where am I? Shall we also have our toyless, fryless, funless children manufacture fireworks while at 'school'?

And Ronald McDonald? He's a businessman, part of the last persecuted minority.

The only line that can be clearly and permanently drawn is between laws protecting my life and property from others (not myself!) and every other law. A line drawn anywhere else will not stay there. I don't just believe in slippery slopes, history is nothing but tales of slippery slopes.

Remember when Andrea said, "anti-gun, anti-candy, anti-fun..." on the way to Tuweap? I still laugh about that.

1 comment:

ian said...

Love it!! It does sneak up, doesn't it? The one that still gets me is the new law here that bans the use of some cooking oils... just not healthy enough, ya know? Next time you're in Ca. you'll be able to see for yourself when you order fries from McD's :)