Shall I tell you of the great wrestle I had with my car seat cover? It lasted days and my house looked like this...

My cover wasn't totally hideous until it got recalled for an issue with the batting coming out and choking kids. They no longer made my original black and sent me a green plaid one instead, which I used the last months Anika rode in it. I decided to attempt recovering it, which involved taking the entire thing apart thread by thread, making pattern pieces and reassembling. And that was
after the hours and hours I spent looking for fabric I liked online.
It was one of those projects that seems simple enough and then halfway through, you regret it. I love it now it's finished but during the process I wanted to throw it off the deck and just buy a brand new car seat.
But phew! It's done!

1 comment:
OH MY GOSH.... I can't believe you did all that! You MUST be nesting :)
It looks amazing - definitely the cutest car seat EVER! can't wait till he gets here...
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