Don't worry. This has happened before. -Emmet

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm sure you all saw this video Mike posted on facebook. I'm posting it here again for Bemy. Bemy, when are you getting on facebook? That would be crrrraaaazy!

Let me try to articulate for y'all my life's philosophy:

Just because we perceive reality a certain way doesn't mean that our perception is the end-all, be-all of reality. Isn't it neat that science and math prove things our bodies and senses have no way of accessing?

I've thought about these things a lot in my life. It's the best feeling to succumb to the awe of the universe, of mortality, and just give up any notion that I will ever be able to truly grasp or truly visualize what really IS. It feels good to just cozy up with the awe and let my spirit perceive things without trying to attach words (symbols) to anything.

I don't know how limited our frame of reference is. But I know it is. And I believe mortality was designed that way. I think mortality is a brief stint in the unreal. Our 'eyes' are veiled.

As great as it feels to snuggle up to not-knowing, it feels even better to tap briefly in to knowing. After years of practice, I have become very familiar with what it feels like to recognize and learn truth. It feels like my soul enlarging, my understanding being enlightened. It feels like pure knowledge and light pouring in to me. It feels like revelation. It feels joyous and familiar.

I have had some of my most powerful spiritual experiences reading books about physics. Moments of pure revelation that made me literally fall of my chair and roll around laughing, reeling, giddy in the fleeting moment of touching what really is.

It can be while learning about science. Or history. Or reading the scriptures. Or reading anyone's religious texts. Or sitting in the desert. But when pure light pours in to me... when truth is being revealed... I can feel it. I recognize it. It feels like remembering something I once knew. And it makes me want to jump for joy.


Yo. Whenever Oprah reminds me that Moms are supposed to do things for themselves like get pedicures and go out with their girlfriends to stay sane, I think hmmmmm, what would help me stay sane? Pedis are good. The girls are good. But what really brings me joy? What is my escapism?

And the answer is.... drum roll... writing. It can be something silly or serious, doesn't matter. As long as I think I've got an audience, (Enter: you guys!) writing makes me happy. I've resolved to write more on this here blog thingy (thangy, bearded thangy).

This weightier light-entering-my-soul business should stick around for a few days because I can't stop thinking about it. (Bear with the girl.) But then perhaps I can return to more trivial blogging. Like about Dreyer's rocky road and stuff. I also yearn to write about all the adventures I had growing up. Like living out of the orange truck. And stuff. It just makes me happy. So stay tuned.

And in the mean time...

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to read Alma Chapter 32 (in the Book of Mormon, yo!) from verse 21 to the end of the chapter before you come back to this blog. It's your homework. You never know, there may be a pop quiz.

I love you guys.


Andrea said...

Alana, you made my day!
Off to do my homework......

Cara said...

More, More and More Please!