Don't worry. This has happened before. -Emmet

Sunday, September 11, 2011

e-mail archives

I started with looking at old family photos and crying and then I started reading old family e-mails and laughing. Wow, they are great and really cheered me up. Some are hilarious. I thought it would be a fun idea to post some of them each day. They seem like ancient history. This is an e-mail correspondence between me and Ian, March 2005. I just love my family.

well friday was awsome becaus i orderd my rifle off ebay.And tuesday wass
even better because i was day-dreaming of what i would do if it came while i
was gone. when i got home i had a feeling it was there so cheked my room for
it but it wasnt there. then i told my mom about the feeling and she said it
was right!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the rifle was in her room!!!! so i got my h-work
done fast and put it together then shot a losd of bb's.
ahhhhhhhhhhhh! its 7:06 gotta get ready for school!
love ya lots!

>From: "blarson4452 LARSON"
>Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 22:15:12 -0700
>Yummy, I just ate 2 flour tortillas with melted butter. The large
>intestine retains her reputation! Oh no, tomorrow you go back to school.
>Sending a hug of death to get you through it-
>grtirkreioajkldjfkdjfkdjrfgrrrrgrrrgrrr! I love you tons. - Alana

1 comment:

Alana said...

dang, can't figure out why this blog is cutting off the words. Jake, could you tell me what the problem is and fix it with your computer magic?