Don't worry. This has happened before. -Emmet

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Exam Results

unfortunately, bad news. it's not the end of the world. i can take it again in february. looking back on this past year, i still managed to graduate and at least prepare to sit for the bar. there really are worse things in life. it's only a test...


Cara said...

Oh, Lu, that sucks. Good positive attitude, though. You know, you are totally entitled to throw a fit of some sort. I'm so proud of what you accomplished this last year -- you're amazing!

Alana said...

Bummer!!! You amaze me though. #1 in amazement is your great attitude. #2 How much you have done!!!!!
Almost there!!!!!!
You deserve to go shopping today.
Go waste some $$$ and eat something greasy.
I love you!

Andrea said...

I've been thinking of you all day

Mike said...

Hey Lu,

I'm sorry about the exam. I second Alana and Cara on the good attitude! We all love you so much! XOXO
