Don't worry. This has happened before. -Emmet

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009

kitchenette in the gun nest?

my thoughts exactly.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

29 years ago


This is a repeat, but I can't help but recall the day of your birth.  Dad had gone to work for Big Ray, I called about 10A  and said it was time to go to the hospital.  We headed down the hill to Loma Linda.  I was a bit upset that Dad stopped at Bakers for a burrito.
It was very hot , and I was in active labor!  In retrospect, I can see it was the right thing to do;  afterall, he had been through this four times before, He knew the routine.  Labor takes a long time this would be his last chance to eat.  

At the hospital I saw Dr Riffell, and he went to teach a class.  I was so experienced  and practiced at labor that he thought  I had a long way to go, because I wasn't acting out.  Well, surprise;  told the nurse I had to push, Dr Herbert rushed me to the delivery room.  I'ts a girl!  After Janna, it was surprising to see a baby with dark hair and skin.  Dad called home from the recovery room, speaking to Alex, Alex said, "another girl!".  

Anyway, we were all thrilled to have our cute little Shmoo here.  We loved her from then till now and forever more.

Your MOM

Sunday, July 12, 2009

saaays Happy!

Anika likes to pretend she can read. For instance: S. O. N. Y. saaaays TV.
You can imagine my delight when she climbed on my lap while I was checking out this.
While pointing her little finger at each letter she proceeded to say:

"S. H. I. T. saaays... (long pause, nervous me thinking oh please no, please don't say it) ....saaaays... Happy!"

Not only had I been laughing at the list, but now I was laughing at her. She never stops making me laugh. I'm thinking I need that list, as I use the phrase often, and that it would have come in handy back in the days of my hit list.

How I loved to cross of repentant offenders, few as they were, with red lipstick like on Waterboy!

Plan of attack:
confront? if the mood strikes.
ignore? certainly not.
stew? i'd love some, thank you.
avenge? if opportunity presents.
talk shit?! check and check!
(coz that's my fave)

For anyone who cares to know, I have really cleaned it up around here for the little one. I'll be damned if she's going to hear such things from my mouth!

Now don't go getting your panties in a bunch over that joke. I really mean it now. Around Anika I now have the vocab of a nun, a nice nun.
Won't my Mommy be so proud of me?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Heavenly Breakfast

Okay people, this is no joke. I was cruising around on some blogs and found this. There truly is bacon and chocolate chips in this mix. So delicious! It is from a company called Vosges. Check out their website, everything looks so fabulous.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Good morning, I just got back from taking Cara to the Shuttle for her trip to vegas airport and home to N B.  It was so nice to have her here, lots of fun.  
Has anyone heard from Jake yet?  Please, let me know.
Love Y'all!  BEMY

Friday, July 3, 2009

Hi everyone....

Jake call your Mother or reply to this when you can....

I love you all.
Someone please call when you get a chance,,,,

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Genuine Human Needs

I cracked a loud can of diet coke at a ripe 9 a.m. today. Cara is asleep on my floor so I was trying to be quiet. On a whim yesterday she decided to fly up for the weekend. It was a total surprise! We were just talking last night, as we got into the Unisom, about how house guests see up close and personal all the substances you abuse. POP! Cara didn't flinch.

The second I heard the can's loud POP!, I thought of an Abbey excerpt from Down the River and decided to whip out my old copy and find it...

We pause on a beach for lunch. The air quivers with heat, with albedo reflectivity from the radiant canyon walls. Must be close to a hundred degrees in the shade and the sand is much hotter than that. Gary unloads the cooler, the crowd goes for the drinking water and the Tang. The hardcases among us snap the tabs from cans of beer, kept cool like catfish in gunny sacks trailed in the river. Fssst! The others stare. Impossible to muffle that sudden release of CO2 under pressure, the conspicuous pop! Sounds like a grenade attack. Incoming! Nobody here flinches but everyone knows who is drinking the beer. And who's been hoarding it. Would be helpful if some clever lad invented a more discreet, a more genteel mode of opening beer cans. A soft, susurrant, suspiring sort of . . . s i g h . . . might serve nicely. A sound that could pass, let us say, for the relaxed, simple, artless fart of a duchess. Ingenuous. But our technology continues to lag behind genuine human needs.