Don't worry. This has happened before. -Emmet

Friday, August 31, 2012


Hi folks, I exist!

Sometimes I get lost for hours reading things like this...

There is SO MUCH on the internet...evidences against The Book of Mormom... that you would think people would be just as interested in reading evidences for The Book of Mormon.  Usually, people are only looking for the evidences against it and they look no further.

I don't base my belief on temporal 'evidence' of any kind, I base my belief on a spiritual witness.  But if one was to judge the book on it's temporal 'evidence', I honestly, sincerely think there is more evidence pointing to it's truth than pointing to it's falsity.

I love this one too...

And this blog is great...
It's the same guy from

I love you all.
Read the Book of Mormon, y'all!!!
Like, actually crack that sucker open and read it cover to cover.
Even if you've read it 10 times already.
And pray before and after you read. Like, actually pray.

And by the power of the Holy Ghost, ye may know the truth of all things. Moroni 10:4-5

Seriously, like, fo rizzle.

And here's my favorite lately that I keep thinking about... if you read nothing else, read this entire page about
Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon
and read the entire chapter of Alma 36.

The center point?  O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me...

Isn't it just beautiful and perfect?